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Vocational Training Center ground breaking, Aleltu, Ethiopia, 2011

Letter From the Founder

A Dream For Home

Born and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, giving back to our community is a big part of our culture.  It is engrained in our culture to give back and to lift up our own, so in 2010 I founded the Dream for Future Africa Foundation as a way to ensure the future for African people.  


We began by investing in education for younger students.  While this is still critically important, our organization began to recognize that if we focus on those getting ready to enter the workforce,  we could not only create life-long opportunities, but also affect multiple generations.  This is where we began investing in programs that teach tangible, useful skills allowing our students to become true owners of their own financial destiny.  It is one thing to give someone the clothes they is another thing to teach them how to make and sell those clothes.  


This is where the true vision for Dream for Future Africa Foundation was established.  If hard-working individuals have the ability to master skills that are desirable in industries that are part of a fast-growing economy,  we are securing financial independence and stability for future generations.  Our investment in highly staffed, fully equipped training facilities and on-the-ground organizations are providing practical skills, job certifications, micro finance and more, which will impact our students, their families and the communities around them. 


We are currently funding a vocational training center with over 250 students enrolled, as well as programs with local partners.  We look forward to continuing our growth and hope to open a second training center in the near future.  


It's my dream, it's my family's dream, and it's the dream of our organization that one day we will wake up to an Ethiopia and to an Africa that is not only beautiful, but overflowing with prosperity. 


Gelila Assefa Puck


Dream For Future Africa Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (tax identification number 27-3730998) under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

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